Please note, the following includes all grants of £5,000 or more made since 2012-13 when the Trust was re-named the Frederick Mulder Foundation. Prior to this, it operated on a smaller scale and was known as The Prairie Trust. The Prairie Trust was established in 1986. Grant amounts, including those for current grantees, are shown in our annual accounts and can be downloaded here. This page is currently being updated.
Black Funding Network (BFN) is a community of individuals and institutions who come together to support small and under resourced Black founded and led non-profit organisations. Built on the ethos of a giving circle, BFN harnesses thoughtful and intentional giving through 2-3 live crowdfunding events a year to help African, Caribbean and mixed heritage changemakers serving Britain’s Black communities and wider society. In addition to the funding received from the potential donors invited, the organisations are introduced to supporters who can volunteer their time, talents and networks. This encourages greater awareness and collaboration which are essential if solutions to pressing societal challenges are to be found.
May Week Alternative
MWA is an award-winning student charity movement encouraging students to celebrate the post-exam period by making a significant donation to charity (recommended to the Against Malaria Foundation). As well as the direct impact of donations, MWA aims to change the way students think about charity, showing that giving and celebration can go hand in hand, and encouraging students to take this positive, deliberate approach to giving forward into their future lives.
Website –
Roots and Wings Foundation
Roots and Wings Foundation (R&WF) was registered in late 2014 to foster the development of communities, philanthropy and the media in Hungary. The aim of their work is to initiate profound social change in Hungary by supporting bottom-up initiatives that enhance individual initiative and responsibility, and strengthen trust and solidarity in society. Since its establishment, the Foundation has had a growing portfolio of programmes: it started with the Community Foundation Support Programme in 2014; the Live Crowdfunding Programme was added as a second programme in 2017; and the Revitalising Small Towns Programme was launched in 2019. FMF has been supporting them since 2018.
English website –
The Funding Network UK
The Funding Network (TFN) is a live giving circle, sometimes called “live crowd funding”, which offers small, grass roots organisations working for social change the opportunity to “pitch” for funds from an audience of potential donors. Fred and three friends started TFN in 2002 with the aim of making giving fun, social and impactful. In 2012 an international programme was established which is now hugely successful in spreading the model. Fred has travelled to many international events and is the TFN International Ambassador.
Website –
The Funding Network Starter Grants Programme
In early 2017, the trustees approved a new small grants programme to support civil society organisations wishing to test the TFN giving circle model. The grants (originally 1,000, now 2,000 Euros/US$ per event) can be used towards the costs of the first three events and at least 50% must be used at the event to introduce the concept of “match funding”. The grants have been highly effective at fast tracking new TFN groups, leveraging further funds, engaging new donors and supporting many small, community based projects. This approach has now been extended to Albania, Argentina, Brazil, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Palestine, Poland, Romania (via Diaspora events in UK, Belgium and Finland), Russia, Turkey and Uruguay.
The Philanthropy Workshop
The Philanthropy Workshop (TPW) is a world leader in strategic philanthropy education and networking. Its flagship programme, TPW Intensive is a high level workshop comprised of three rigorous week long modules held in a single year in different parts of the world. Fred has been a Member of TPW since 2006.
Website –
ARC Romania
Since 2002, the Association for Community Relations (ARC Romania) has been supporting the development of philanthropy in Romania. Specifically, it has overseen the establishment of a national network of community foundations, YouthBanks and giving circles based on the TFN model. In 2016, FMF made a one off contribution of USD$25,000 to the organisation’s capital campaign. The campaign had a target of $250,000 with every dollar raised being matched by $2 by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.
Website –
Grant History:
FMF supported ARC Romania up to 2018.
Total funds received USD$25,000
Centre for Effective Altruism / Giving What We Can / 80,000 Hours
The Centre for Effective Altruism (CEA) acts as a springboard for the effective altruism movement. It aims to promote and strengthen effective altruism as an idea and a community, help determine how best to advance the wellbeing of all, and inspire people to take action based on knowledge. CEA was established as the umbrella body for Giving What We Can and 80,000 Hours.
Website –
Grant History:
FMF supported the Centre for Effective Altruism between 2013 and 2017.
Total funds received £195,000
The Funding Network, Australia
TFN Australia launched in Sydney in 2013 and since then further groups have been established groups in Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and Perth. Since 2013, TFN Australia has raised in excess of £3m to 180+ non-profit organisations.
Website –
Grant History:
FMF contributed towards TFN Australia’s operational costs from 2013 to 2017.
Total funds received to date £86,128
The Funding Network, New York
TFN New York was established in 2013 with fiscal sponsorship provided by New Venture Fund. It held 5 events between 2013 and 2015 and raised £125,000 for 16 social change projects. It is not currently active.
Grant History:
Total funds received £64,000
The Funding Network, New Zealand (Auckland Foundation)
The Auckland Foundation has hosted and provided fiscal sponsorship to TFN New Zealand since September 2014. Since then, TFN New Zealand has raised £150k for 20 social change projects.
Website –
Grant History:
FMF has contributed towards TFN New Zealand’s operational costs through grants to the Auckland Foundation up to 2019.
Total funds received to date £50,743