Frederick Mulder Foundation believes that climate change is the single greatest threat facing mankind. We continue to believe that our biggest task as a Foundation is to do what we can to help limit global warming to below 2°C. The Covid pandemic has served to further highlight the fragility of international systems and the urgency of this issue.
Climate change is a broad field and many aspects of our lives must change if we are to avert a crisis. Work needs to be done to address government policy and regulation, strengthen public education and engagement, and protect and enhance natural systems that can aid our response.
In relation to our funding we have chosen three areas of focus: work to influence the direction of mainstream financial flows to hasten the development of a low carbon economy; support for public activism to help secure policy change; and efforts to harness natural climate solutions.
As well as comprising a significant portion of our grant-making, approximately one third of our endowment will be devoted to impact investments in the renewables and the energy efficiency sector.